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Somme and Rhine

The area north of the Somme river in France and west of the river Rhine, has been called the low countries, or the Netherlands for quite some time. There, in that wet, almost inhabitable territory, a tough people withstood the elements and the pounding sea. The sea, which was both their friend and enemy. The sea to which it owes its prosperity, but to which it also had to make sacrifices.

This book's tale starts thousands of years ago. While the stories bring you closer and closer to the present day, they lead you through that area, along that people and over continents where that people had spread its power, such as the West Indies and the East Indies. In doing so, most of the Dutch history canon is discussed or mentioned.

As a leitmotif, the Van Someren family runs through this history account. The Van Someren family is a family like many other families. As such, it is representative for the history of many of us. Legends and anecdotes too are part of this lavishly illustrated book, intended for anyone who wishes to travel back in time: fighting for freedom against Romans, in the middle of the ocean on a wooden ship sailing for The East, or fighting for equal rights.
ISBN/EAN: 9789080877498
NUR: 680