Nederlands O.B. Assessment  

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Organisational Behaviour Assessment
    Our methodology is based on scientific research, and it is aimed at methodically surfacing objective, relevant management information.

    Depending on our client's information needs, we perform a basic scan, using an electronic questionnaire which can be filled in within the determined period at any time and from any place where one has Internet access.

    We analyse the collected data and extract relevant management information and HR information from those data.

    Optionally, we conduct additional qualitative research to add organisational meaning to the findings. We do so, for instance, by means of interviews and data analysis.

    Subsequently, we can analyse and compare the differences and developments of the latest findings with those of previous O.B. assessments, should they have been conducted.

    Apart from reporting our findings in writing, we may verbally present and explain those findings, make recommendations and even support interventions related to those recommendations.

Telephone: +31 (0)6 3300 4094      E-mail: